The unmatched dynamics of today's electronic components market necessitates a quick analysis over considerable numbers of suppliers. Moreover, the choices for best selections from large amounts of supplier data must be made quickly.
Trying to do this manually is an almost impracticable process, let alone one that can be done quickly and correctly.
QuoteArchitect-MCA offers four different ways of price, availability, stock level and delivery time analysis. A Decision Support System (DSS) analyses all collected supplier data in the background in real time and suggests the optimal choice per part code, thus providing unique support to the operator:
1. API based search
Automatic multi-vendor price and availability analysis.
2. RFQ based search
Automatic single & multi-vendor RFQ process.
3. PILOT based search
Concurrent multi-vendor website analysis with MCA integration
4. Manual based search
Manual selection, correction, and materials data entry.